Cleaning method and installation precautions of optical lens

Time: 11/09/2022 Author: 特浩光电 Source: 未知 follow: 100

Optical lens is a kind of lens, which can be processed into various optical lenses, mirrors, etc. What are the cleaning methods and installation precautions of optical lenses?

1. Cleaning method of optical lens

1. It is necessary to use an air ball to blow off the floating objects on the surface of the parts, especially the lens with tiny particles and cotton on the surface. However, do not use compressed air on the production line. Because these air contains oil and water droplets, it will deepen the contamination of optical lenses.

2. Gently clean the lens with acetone. This level of acetone has almost no water, reducing the possibility of optical lens contamination. Acetone is added to the cotton ball, the optical lens must be cleaned in bright light, and the circular movement is performed. If the swab is dirty, replace it. Cleaning must be done in one go to avoid ripples. If the lens has two coated surfaces, each surface needs to be cleaned this way. Needs to be placed on clean lens paper for protection.

3. If acetone doesn't remove all the dirt, clean with vinegar next. Vinegar cleaning removes dirt by dissolving it without damaging the optical lens. This acid vinegar can be experimental level (diluted to 50% strength) or household white vinegar 6% acetic acid. The cleaning process is the same as acetone cleaning, followed by acetone to remove acid vinegar and dry lenses, with frequent cotton ball changes to fully absorb acid and hydrate.

4. If the lens surface is not completely cleaned, it must be cleaned by grinding. Abrasive cleaning is a fine (0.1um) aluminum abrasive paste. This white liquid is used with a cotton ball. This polishing cleaning is a mechanical polishing, so be sure to do a slow, stress-free staggered loop for no more than 30 seconds when cleaning the lens surface. Clean the surface with distilled water or a cotton ball dipped in water.

After abrasive removal, the lens surface must be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol gathers the rest of the grind and water to keep them floating, and a cotton ball is dipped in acetone to remove these floats. If there is residue on the surface, wash again with alcohol and acetone until it is clean. Of course, some contaminants and damage to the lens cannot be removed by cleaning, especially the burnt film caused by metal splashes and dirt, and the only way to restore good performance is to replace the lens.

2. Precautions when installing optical lens

1. Never install the optical lens with bare fingers. Wear gloves or rubber gloves for installation.

2. Do not use sharp equipment to avoid damage to the lens surface.

3. When taking the lens, do not touch the film, but take the edge of the lens.

4. The optical lens should be placed in a dry and clean place for inspection and cleaning. A good bench surface should have several layers of cleaning paper towels or paper wipes, as well as several layers of cleaning lens tissue.

5. Users should avoid talking or eating in front of the optical lens, so that potential pollutants such as food and beverages are kept away from the working environment.

Thanks for reading! The above is about Cleaning method and installation precautions of optical lens, Part of the content comes from the network for reference only.

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